Monday, December 26, 2011

My First REAL Blog.... EVER!

I know. For a woman who hasn't yet reached the age of 30, I'm seriously behind the times. But I was really tired of Facebook and the life it was sucking out of me. I thought this was a good way to keep people in the loop of my family life without the extra.... "stuff."

So, here we are! Today is the day after Christmas. Does anyone else ever feel just down in the dumps and blah the day after Christmas? I don't remember it being like this in years past, but today was just a downer day. Maybe because it was grey and raining and blechy outside... And yes. Blechy is a word. I spent the day opening toys, cleaning bedrooms, cleaning spaces outside bedrooms, organizing to make space for new things, sorting through what will be sold or donated, and reminding the children to share, be grateful, put toys away when done, help me keep the house clean..... etc etc etc.

Enough of all that hoopty hoo. **BTW - hoopty hoo is my favorite phrase. Ever. It takes the place of any noun I can't think of the word for (such as: "please pass me the..... hoopty hoo" (as I point to the object I can't recall the name of)), as well as describing all things involved in the thing I'm describing (such as: "I just love Christmas! I love setting up the tree and all that hoopty hoo!")

Alright kids, let's lay down the ground rules. I don't mind sharing my life with the world, but I would like to protect my family the best way I know how. I will post pictures of my immediate family and my friends (with their permission). My husband will be called "Husband." Original, eh? I have 3 beautiful children. My oldest, a girl, who is currently 10 years old, will be called "Thing 1." My second, a boy, who is currently 8, will be called? You guessed it. "Thing 2." And number three, another girl, 6 years old going on 16. Yeah, she's "Thing 3" even though there are only 2 Things, according to Dr. Seuss. I like it this way. It's best not to question my thought processes. Just go with it. :)

I hope you enjoy my blog. I don't have a set goal of how often I will update it or anything. We'll just go with the flow, k?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mama Bear (you stole my name) I was just checking out your Blog.... Hoopty-Hoo??? blechy???
    Well, what ever FLOATS YOUR BOAT!. Please hurry and post those photos I forgot what the things look like(lol) and tell the "husband" I said What's up.
    Any way I'll give you a call soon, perhaps just after New Years. Stay grounded and all the best to you and yours this coming year!
