Monday, June 4, 2012

Changes All Around

It seems like a whole other life time ago that I created this blog. It was so long ago that I had to search my FB profile to find when I created it and posted on FB.... because I forgot the name of my blog! o_O

Lots and lots of changes! Let's see.... Husband got an amazing promotion at work. SO proud of him! The only catch is that we had to move to Texas! Boooo.... and yay!
Boo because I made some amazing friends when I lived in Missouri. I was 1/4 day's drive from family. I was happy and satisfied with my life. But that is not what life is about. More of that in a minute.
Yay because I like it here, so far. Yay because God has blessed us in ways I could have never expected or hoped to ask for. Yay because there are cows a block from my house! Cows, y'all........ Cows. Yay because it's beautiful here!

It really is a great opportunity for Husband. He's doing quite well in his new position and I'm so proud of the man I married that I could just about burst into a big, sparkly, confetti mess! Thing 1 is going through the pre-teen-I'm-already-an-emotional-basketcase-and-you-just-turned-my-life-upside-down-but-this-is-still-pretty-amazing-and-I-like-it-here phase. Whew! That's quite a phase. We're taking it one day at a time with her. Things 2 and 3 just amaze me with their resiliance. Everything seems to just roll right off their shoulders. They miss Ohio family. They miss Missouri friends. But they like it here. They're happy. All 3 Things are thriving! They finished the school year with all A's in every subject. So proud of them! Overall, life is pretty good.

Speaking of life... I said that being happy and satisfied are not what life is about. To be honest, I still don't know what life IS about, but I know more about what life is NOT about....
It's not about being comfortable and letting challenges and opportunities just pass you by while you have BBQs and game nights and walk across the street for nice visits with sweet neighbors. Those things make our lives nicer, sweeter, richer, but they aren't what life is ALL about. It's not about falling into a pattern. It's not about keeping things the same because you don't want to rock the boat. (For the record, I've only been on a real boat, like, twice. They were big enough and slow enough that I just felt like I was on one of those people-movers at the airport. Nevertheless...) It seems like a scary, not-so-good thing to "rock the boat." But what if the boat is in a series of vehicles, trying to get you to your destination? And what if you have to jump from vehicle to vehicle to get where you need to go? And what if, if you DON'T jump, you will pass by your next vehicle? And what if that next vehicle was going to be an amazing and wonderful ride?

As scary as some things are, I think it's even more scary to NOT do those things, than to do them - live through them and grow in them and be a better person and know yourself better because of them.

Okay, that was WAY deep, but these are the things I reflect on when life gets... tricky. Now that I've rediscovered my dusty old blog, I will clear away the cobwebs and try to do better at keeping up with y'all.

And for the record, throughout my life I have often said y'all. I didn't need the excuse of living in Texas to whip that world out whenever I want.... just sayin'.

Be happy, friends. God is good!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to School

I love my Things. They are kind (most of the time), they are cuddly (all the time), and they are funny (most of the time). Thing 1 is my reflective one. She likes to cuddle with me and just talk about life. Thing 2 loves the kind of "get-in-your-face" cuddling while watching TV. Thing 3 likes to play. She likes to cuddle, but while you're cuddling, you need to be scratching/rubbing her back, arm, leg, tummy, other arm, back again, other leg, side, arm, leg, back, arm, tummy, back, tummy, back, arm..... you get the picture. If she's not wanting to cuddle, you better be willing to play a game with her. It's usually make believe. "Pretend I'm a princess and you're my baby....." etc. Or worse. "Let's play "The Fresh Beat Band" - I'll be Kiki and you can be Marina." Oi. I usually try to get her to play cards or Twister or something, simply because make believe games are hard enough for me. When you're asking me to recreate your favorite TV show? Not so much....

Anyway, I love my Things. But today is their first day back to school. I've considered homeschooling before and I still might some day, if the need arises. In the mean time, they've been cooped up in the house with me for 2 weeks. They also haven't had much alone time, which is often necessary in this house to keep the peace. So it's the first day back to school and I'm a happy Mama Bear. Also happy because all three Things are happy to go back to school, too!

I bought a scale today. Time to get back at it. Not because it's a "New Year's Resolution" or anything. Just because I've been meaning to get back on track with my health and it's time. This morning started out great with an early rising, healthy homemade banana nut oatmeal, and the Word of God. I hope your day started out as well as mine did. If it didn't, I hope it only gets better for you!

Be happy, friends. God is GOOD!!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's a new year and a new day. Well, actually, right now it's an old year and late in the day. But I'm guessing y'all have other things keeping your attention this New Year's Eve besides my blog. :)

What are you doing to celebrate the New Year? Have you made any resolutions?

So, it's snack night tonight.... speaking of eating healthy. NOT! Yup, pizza rolls, taquitos, hanky panks, mexican layer dip stuff...... all the greasy stuff your heart can handle is on my dinner table. Things 1, 2, and 3 of course think this is just the best night ever. Husband is a happy camper, too.

Be happy, friends. God is good and it's a new year! Plus, I just gave you 2 awesome recipes! ;)


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Snow, snow, snow, snow, SNOW!

I love old movies. I love Christmas time. I love music. Put all those together and you have "White Christmas." I know we're 2 days past Christmas, but this is a relevant post, I promise! This morning, I was woken up by Things 1, 2, and 3 all shouting "IT SNOWED!!!!!!" Then, the ever practical Husband comes in and says, "If you're going anywhere, leave early. Our street is slick as snot." Thanks for that, Husband. I have snot in my head right now. It's easy to envision a street actually made of snot... but I digress.

The point is, I love music and I love singing with other people. When I woke up to shouts of "SNOW!" I dashed out of bed to the window and my first reaction was to sing the song above. But it's much less interesting when I'm singing by myself.... :( Too bad Husband (and his two amazing sisters for that matter) weren't available for a Gase rendition of the snow song.

What are you doing today? I'm going to sit here enjoying a new book (since my Things are happy taking turns playing their bazillions of new wii games) while I snack on turkey and stuffing. Gotta get it out of the house as fast as possible! ;) I like to cut my turkey into bites and mix it in the stuffing. Sort of a casserole-ish thing. Gotta love comfort food! What do you do with your turkey dinner leftovers?

Be happy today, friends. God is good. :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

My First REAL Blog.... EVER!

I know. For a woman who hasn't yet reached the age of 30, I'm seriously behind the times. But I was really tired of Facebook and the life it was sucking out of me. I thought this was a good way to keep people in the loop of my family life without the extra.... "stuff."

So, here we are! Today is the day after Christmas. Does anyone else ever feel just down in the dumps and blah the day after Christmas? I don't remember it being like this in years past, but today was just a downer day. Maybe because it was grey and raining and blechy outside... And yes. Blechy is a word. I spent the day opening toys, cleaning bedrooms, cleaning spaces outside bedrooms, organizing to make space for new things, sorting through what will be sold or donated, and reminding the children to share, be grateful, put toys away when done, help me keep the house clean..... etc etc etc.

Enough of all that hoopty hoo. **BTW - hoopty hoo is my favorite phrase. Ever. It takes the place of any noun I can't think of the word for (such as: "please pass me the..... hoopty hoo" (as I point to the object I can't recall the name of)), as well as describing all things involved in the thing I'm describing (such as: "I just love Christmas! I love setting up the tree and all that hoopty hoo!")

Alright kids, let's lay down the ground rules. I don't mind sharing my life with the world, but I would like to protect my family the best way I know how. I will post pictures of my immediate family and my friends (with their permission). My husband will be called "Husband." Original, eh? I have 3 beautiful children. My oldest, a girl, who is currently 10 years old, will be called "Thing 1." My second, a boy, who is currently 8, will be called? You guessed it. "Thing 2." And number three, another girl, 6 years old going on 16. Yeah, she's "Thing 3" even though there are only 2 Things, according to Dr. Seuss. I like it this way. It's best not to question my thought processes. Just go with it. :)

I hope you enjoy my blog. I don't have a set goal of how often I will update it or anything. We'll just go with the flow, k?